Error sharing a folder with existing user

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Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by khanal »

Many thanks for this excellent application, both the desktop and now the cloud version.

I am currently trying to share a folder created with Cmap Cloud, with another CmapTools user.
The cloud account for this other user was just created using CMapTools. They can access their cloud folder without any problems.

Now I am trying to share a folder I have created on Cmap Cloud, via the Share link. I have not shared any folders with other users previously, so the Cmappers box is blank. I therefore enter the email address of the above-mentioned user and the down arrow to add them to the list, with full permissions. I then click "share" and get the error message:

Failed to share Concept Maps with one or more (future) users


As a test, I entered an email address of a user NOT registered, and they received the email inviting them to create an account. So i just cannot share with an existing user.

Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide!

p.s. an additional piece of information: in addition to Cmap Cloud, I have checked the permissions of the folder I am trying to share using the desktop version CmapTools v6.01.01 Windows x64, Windows 7, 4 GB RAM. The desktop software tells me that the folder is in fact shared with the user, it appears to have picked up the user name correctly from the email address I entered on Cmap Cloud. However, there is no message in the user's Cmap Cloud, nor any link to the folder from the desktop version either.
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Re: Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by cmapadmin »

Thanks for reporting this. We've seen a couple of similar cases. Can you share (via a message) the two email accounts involved? Yours, and the user you were trying to share with? That would help us debug it.

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Re: Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by nachokeso »

also many thanks really useful piece of software for lectures

Had the same issue as previous poster several times, sent feedback through the "email support" icon on the top-left corner and I received the following automated reply twice :
17 Sep (1 day ago)

to me

Your message was not posted because you are not allowed
to post messages to the mailing list "".

This mail system is powered by mailserver.
So two issues: 1. adding collaborators doesn't work (similar error message to poster); 2. impossible to give feedback from cloud app


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Re: Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by cmapadmin »

Thanks for reporting these. Can you share (maybe through a private message) the two email accounts that were trying to share?
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Re: Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by cmapadmin »

We've fixed several bugs related to the sharing of folders, in particular with users who were not registered, had not confirmed their email, or were not in the Cmappers list.
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Re: Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by Shepj3 »

I started a map, then shared its folder with a team member. Within the sharing permissions, I am the Administrator. My team member may View, Annotate, Edit, Create Folders. However, now that I have shared the folder with her, I can no longer edit the map on which I want us to collaborate. Every time I try to add or edit the map, it triggers this error "The Cmap is already locked for editing by someone else." No matter how I adjust permissions on this folder, nothing works to allow us to collaborate on this map.

Am I mis-perceiving the intent of allowing multiple mappers into the same map? Can they not edit them at the same time?

Thank you in advance,
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Re: Error sharing a folder with existing user

Post by cmapadmin »

Concurrent editing is only available using the Desktop version of CmapTools, not in the web-based Cmap Cloud version.
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