Where can I find the log files for CmapTools?

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Where can I find the log files for CmapTools?

Post by cmapadmin »

IHMC CmapTools log files are stored on a folder titled "CmapToolsLogs" under the user's home directory. The Home directory is the area of the file system where personal files are stored by default. In other words, the home directory is a file system directory which contains the personal files of a given user of the system.

The name of the home directory depends on the operating system, but in all cases it includes the username (also known as user id). In the following list, select the operating system you are using and replace "User_Name" with the username you used to log on the system.
  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\User_Name
  • Windows Vista/7/8/10: \Users\User_Name\
  • Mac OS X: /Users/User_Name/
  • Linux: /home/User_Name/
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