No text between the arrows

Have new ideas for the next release of IHMC CmapTools and IHMC CmapServer?
We welcome your suggestions and we will carefully consider whether to incorporate them into the software.
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No text between the arrows

Post by FerdyBMW »

I'm new to this forum and I don't know how it works, I have tried the iPad app and I was wondering: is it possible to create a proposition without the text between the arrows connecting two topics?
Is it possible to add this feature in the next version of the app, who should I ask for?
I would really appreciate a response from yours.
Yours sincerely.
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Re: No text between the arrows

Post by cmapadmin »

No, you cannot have connectors between concepts without the linking phrases on the iPad version. It is possible, and we'll add it to the list of suggestions, but it won't be high priority since we have a list of specific concept mapping features that we want to implement. CmapTools is designed to be a concept mapping tool, and concept maps always have linking phrases in the connections between concepts.
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