How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

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How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by agnibhu13 »


I am using Cmaps for a while and very happy with the concept and the tool. But one issue I have noticed is that I am unable to refer a concept from another Cmap file. I am creating some complex Cmap file, and sometimes want to refer a concept which is already detailed in another Concept map. How can do this?. This is something like importing a module in OOPs languages. Do Cmap parse the text content? Or it just save it as a string without having any meta data associated with?

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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by cmapadmin »


There is no way to make reference to a concept in another Cmap. You can, however, have the two Cmaps opened, one next to the other, and create a proposition that links concepts in different Cmaps. On a Mac, you use the Command key when doing the drag of the link to the other concept. The program will create shortcuts that will allow you to open the other Cmap from the shared concept.
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by thomasfrank »

You can create a new concept map that includes the concepts from both of the original Cmap files. You can then copy and paste the concepts from one Cmap file to the other. pokedoku
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by suretype »

Why don't you try opening 2 Cmaps next to each otherconnections puzzle?
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by boiledikea »

It is not possible to make reference to a notion in another Cmap. A clause connecting the ideas in the two Cmaps can be made by opening them side by side. Although a little laborious, this approach is simple to utilizemini crossword. You can access it with more ease.
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by superrobe »

A concept in one Cmap cannot be referenced in another. By opening the two Cmaps side by side, a clause tying the concepts together may be created. This method is easy to use,x trench run despite being a bit laboriousmini cumbersome. You have easier access to it.
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by DylanWalker »

As of my last update, CmapTools doesn't have a built-in feature to directly reference concepts from other Cmap files like importing modules in object-oriented programming languages paper minecraft Each Cmap file is essentially a standalone document containing its own concepts, relationships, and metadata.
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by cmapadmin »

You can make a direct link between concepts in different Cmaps. See the help file:
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by Raymond521 »

I completely understand your questions and wishes regarding the ability to reference/link between different Cmap files. This is a really useful feature when working with complex concept maps.
In this regard, Cmap has a feature called "Linking Concepts" that allows you to link concepts between different Cmap files. Proceed as follows:
Open the Cmap file that contains the concept you want to link.
Right-click on the concept to link, select "Link to Other Concept Map".
Select the Cmap file that contains the concept you want to link to.
Select the specific concept in that Cmap file that you want to link.
Click "OK" to complete the linking process.
Once you have linked concepts between Cmap files, you can easilycookie clicker navigate and view the detailed content of the related concepts by clicking on the link.
As for the question about text analysis in Cmap, Cmap can identify and display keywords, concepts, and relationships between them based on the entered text. However, Cmap does not actually "understand" the text content, but only stores and displays it as concepts and relationships.
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Re: How to refer the concepts from differenct Cmap files

Post by williamWL »


When considering how to refer to concepts from different Cmap files, one might think about creating hyperlinks between related concepts across maps. This allows for seamless navigation and integration of ideas from various sources. By establishing these connections, users can effectively build a network of knowledge that spans multiple maps, enhancing understanding and accessibility of information across different contexts and projects. pikashow apk download
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