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CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 7:52 pm
by dgroos
Since moving the CmapServer to a new computer/network location the server hasn't shown up in the list in the 'Shared Cmaps in Places' in the View window. Though one can add it by putting in the ip address. We're running the server on a 2 cpu, dual core xeon processor with 3 gigs of RAM (shared with a plone server on the same machine). This is a much more muscular setup than we had previously where this function worked.

We're using v 4.18, ssl, web server on port 80 (we can view the cmaps via a browser on the web). No outgoing ports are blocked, but I guess one can't ping the server from outside the firewall. There is an inward facing ip (for traffic with in firewall) and an outward ip. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:50 pm
by dgroos
Indeed, I tried to ping the server and got this message back (along with a couple of lines of info):
Communication prohibited by filter
Is this a problem?

Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:41 pm
by dgroos
Hi--it's been 3 weeks and I check this forum for a response, daily :-) Any areas in log files or config files I should be examining? Any instruction pages or articles you think I should read or re-re-read? Thanks,

Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:50 am
by rcarvajal

It seems that your CmapServer is not able to connect to the Directory of Places (DoP). Log into the server, open a Terminal windows and then type:

telnet 4747

If you don't get the following message, then you will need to modify the firewall (open port 4747) you have in your network and server.

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:49 pm
by dgroos
Thanks for replying.

I tried the telnet and indeed got:
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

I e-mailed our district person with the 'telnet test' and the results along with your recommendation. I'll post what he says when he gets back to me.


Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:25 pm
by dgroos
On this page which looks like a copy of one of your pages, point 8, it says:
If the web server portion is running in port 80, then you don't have to include it in the URL.
That makes sense. Mine is running on this port. However, when I try to go to a concept map I've got on the CmapServer such as this incomplete map: , it won't load UNTIL I add the port number (:80) to the address! Try it! This is weird. Might this be a related or is it separate issue?


Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:55 pm
by dgroos
OK, I've checked out a couple of things and our senior internet engineer got back to me:

1. I checked if port 4747 was open on the server running cmapserver and it didn't say it was listening: $ netstat -nat showed that the server is listening on ports 4447, 80, and 22. While it didn't mention port 4747 it wouldn't be 'open' unless there was a service running on it--ubuntu doesn't default to blocking ports, it just doesn't open them unless there's a service on them. Correct?

2. Our district guy said this:
David I get the same thing at home and at MPS. I am not sure it is an issue for us. Is there something they have to enable from us to them? We allow most ports accessible going outbound, I believe 4747 should work.
Yes, that seems strange. I tried to telnet from my house to the 4747, too, and got the same,
$ telnet 4747
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host
I re-examined the '' file and didn't see anything that might have been missing. This remains a mystery. Thanks for your continued cognition,


Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:13 pm
by rcarvajal
dgroos wrote:On this page which looks like a copy of one of your pages, point 8, it says:
If the web server portion is running in port 80, then you don't have to include it in the URL.
That makes sense. Mine is running on this port. However, when I try to go to a concept map I've got on the CmapServer such as this incomplete map: , it won't load UNTIL I add the port number (:80) to the address! Try it! This is weird. Might this be a related or is it separate issue?
Port 80 is the default one for http, but you are using https (https Secure). From Wikipedia: "As opposed to HTTP URLs which begin with "http://" and use port 80 by default, HTTPS URLs begin with "https://" and use port 443 by default."

Because you are not running HTTPS using the default port (443), you need to specify the port number as part of the web address.

Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:31 pm
by rcarvajal
dgroos wrote:OK, I've checked out a couple of things and our senior internet engineer got back to me:
1. I checked if port 4747 was open on the server running cmapserver and it didn't say it was listening: $ netstat -nat showed that the server is listening on ports 4447, 80, and 22. While it didn't mention port 4747 it wouldn't be 'open' unless there was a service running on it--ubuntu doesn't default to blocking ports, it just doesn't open them unless there's a service on them. Correct?
I re-examined the '' file and didn't see anything that might have been missing. This remains a mystery.
The Service Location Protocol Configuration File for the CmapServer is called slp.conf. It should be located under "IHMC_CmapServer/bin". Please verify the value of this variables on that file:,

The slp.conf contains the description for each of them in case you need additional information.

Re: CmapServer doesn't show up in directory of places

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:59 pm
by dgroos
Thanks--that's quite logical--so I will just change the port number of the webserver from 80 to 443. I'll do that in just a bit...
