Synchronous Collaboration in CmapTools [White Paper]

The CmapTools documentation is organized as a Knowledge Model composed of concept maps and associated resources, constructed using CmapTools. Also available are a set of White Papers, user Help documents composed in several languages, and various videos.
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Synchronous Collaboration in CmapTools [White Paper]

Post by cmapadmin »

Synchronous Collaboration in CmapTools

The IHMC CmapTools software suite is an environment that enables and encourages collaboration and sharing in the construction and manipulation of Knowledge Models1 based on concept maps (Cmaps). Collaboration must be provided through useful tools that users can benefit from, and that will allow them to share and expand their knowledge. One of these tools is the synchronous collaboration, which allows concurrent editing of Cmaps by multiple users, where they can see the changes others make in real time. It is a complement of the Knowledge Soups and Discussion Threads capabilities, other collaborative tools included.

Available at ... 0Tools.pdf
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