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share folders - URGENT

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 4:18 am
by tifialf
I see that to share a folder to your buddies (cmappers) you need to search and invite cmappers first, and then, once you have got them in you cmappers tab, you need to drag the folder and drop it on the icon of a cmapper at a time. After that you have to allow only viewing, viewing and annotating, or viewing, annotating and editing.

The first improvement I believe very necessary, is to permit a multiple selection of cmappers and reverse the dragging mechanism, to put the cmappers into the folders we want to share (I have classes of thirty students :-).

The second is to allow un-sharing of a cmapper and changing is rights

The third is to have a way to know who is sharing that folder, with which authorizations (especially in the case you must share with a cmapper a time!)

The least, less important would be to import from a file the list of cmappers in the cmappers tab and to group them (now the different contacts are completely mixed).

Possibly, some of these "Teacher or administrator actions" should be permitted from the CmapTools version. But, at the moment, I am not allowed to read either the authorization list from the cloud cmap server after a folder have been shared (I'm allowed to do that, only in the case the folder is not shared)