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Re: Firefox plugin for Cmap Tools wanted (SearchAndMapTheWeb)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 7:18 pm
by rcarvajal
fridemar wrote:What about a browser addon, that detects links on a HTML page, that point to *.cmaps.

If you click on such a special link, then you get the target as read/writable cmap within the Cmap client.
It's already implemented in version 5.03. Just use cmap:// instead of http:// within an URL to a concept map stored on a CmapServer.

For example: [url]cmap://[/url] should lunch CmapTools (client) and load the "Sandbox" cmap.

The "cmap://" protocol is used in
fridemar wrote:As a corollary the Cmappers community could SearchAndWeaveTheWeb / SearchAndMapTheWeb ( with Google, if it indexes *.cmaps, or some other specialized WebSearchEngine ).
If you create a folder with "Everyone view contents of this folder" permission, then you can search for its content using searches for concept maps stored on CmapServers with "Everyone view contents of this folder" permission.

Also, Google and Yahoo!, among others, index our concept maps. If you type cmap plus your search string, you would probably get some concept maps containing the string. (ej: cmap mars meteorites, cmap biology)

To search for concept maps, I would recommend you to use instead of the regular web search engines.

Re: Nested nodes don't have a HTML representation either

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 7:30 pm
by rcarvajal
fridemar wrote:Justed noted on the CmappersSandbox, that the feature in CmapTools: CmapNestedNodes don't have an automatically generated HTML representation either.
Please refer to the Known Issues page for more information.

"When viewing Cmaps using a Web browser, regardless of whether they were generated using the Export to Web Page menu entry or generated automatically on a Web Server, the following restrictions apply:

1. There is no way to expand or close a Nested Node in the web page version of a Cmap.
2. If you have a Nested Node expanded at the time you export the Cmap to a web page, the Nested Node will appear expanded in the web page version. If the Nested Node is collapsed, it will be exported as collapsed in the web page version.
3. The links to Discussion Threads (DTs) cannot be opened in the web page version of a Cmap.
4. Annotations cannot be opened or closed in the web page version of a Cmap.
5. The web page version of a Cmap cannot be edited or modified in a web browser.
6. A resource that has been linked to a Cmap (such as an image or video) has a caption describing the linked resource when viewed using CmapTools. These captions are not displayed when viewing the web page version of the Cmap."

Re: Cmaps need more Web integration.

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:38 pm
by adlister
I just want to second the importance of web integration - first off, having the mouse-over info appear in the html version. The idea of wiki integration is very interesting too. Hypertext is the text analogue of a concept map, minus the categorization of relationships, I suppose. Still, pretty close. Wouldn't it be great to have a concept map that attached to a wiki, in which any change to the concept map appeared in the wiki and vice versa. No more having to update the same content twice for different formats!

Re: Cmaps need more Web integration.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:26 pm
by surge3333
What about enabling the ctl+f feature to the concept map when exported to webpage. This only works for the names of the sources but not to the concepts with in the maps :idea: