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Chat Scroll Bar

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:13 am
by orglab

In our lab we are using Cmap version 4.04. We are thinking of possibly upgrading to the newest version. Can someone please tell me whether in the newest version the scroll bar (in order to move the chat down) automatically scrolls down or if it still manual move down? We often have students who use the software complain that they get overwhelmed having to move the bar down and will often miss what is posted in chat because they forget to move the scroll bar down.

One other question about the newest version, when you post a bubble to the Cmap does it still automatically post in the middle? In our version it is automatically posted in the middle and the students then move their post to where they see it in the map. We are wondering whether their bubble can be initially positioned where they see it fitting rather than posted in the middle and then moved.

Thanks for your help. Your answer will help us determine whether to keep the version we have or change to the new version in our lab.

Thanks again.

Re: Chat Scroll Bar

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:32 am
by acanas
How do you post the concept? If you double click in the canvas wherever you want it placed it appears there. Or am I misunderstanding the issue?

There is no change in the chat, we were not aware of the problem. We'll document and look into it.

If you are using v4.04, you definitely want to update. There are lots of improvements since then, even in terms of memory usage and performance.

Re: Chat Scroll Bar

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:05 pm
by orglab
I apologize, I was not clear. In terms of posting, we have individuals post concepts (copy from individual CMAP) into a CMAP set up for synchronous collaboration. Essentially, they copy a concept from their private CMAP into their public CMAP. The steps that we have them follow are to (right-click cut) the concept from their private CMAP and (right-click paste) the concept to the public synchronous CMAP. When they do this the concept is automatically posted directly in the middle of synchronous CMAP. Is there a way to get around this without having the individuals directly type their concepts into the synchronous CMAP? We prefer them to use their individual CMAPs in order to avoid them having to change the color of their posts in the synchronous CMAP. (We use color to identify roles within the teams).

I hope this is more clear. Thank you again.

Re: Chat Scroll Bar

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 1:55 pm
by acanas
OK, now it makes sense. Good point. We'll look into it. I've always had the same issue when I paste a concept, but I don't do it as much as you do. For now, the pasted concept always end up in the center, there is no way around it.

Re: Chat Scroll Bar

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 7:45 pm
by Jiellen_27
This bug has been fixed, and released as 2.1.713.

It looks like the Adobe update changes how the scrollbar works, slightly. Just enough to break things!

If you're still experiencing problems, you may need to clear your caches.

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