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Tags for concepts

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:29 pm
by tobiaslombacher
I would like the opportunity to assign different Tags to each concept. Those should include predefined tags which would allow that every user working on a concept map uses the same tags. In addition showing some of those tags in the concept itself, e.g. as icon would allow to assign different status to each one. This allows every user including the creator to see where additional information is necessary or not.

Re: Tags for concepts

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 9:25 am
by acanas
In CmapTools, concepts are not stored independently, they are stored as part of a file for the Cmap. What you are suggesting would require keeping track of all concepts (in a centralized manner?) and then reaching to that set of concepts to obtain the tags for each concept that you are making. Possibly doable in a web environment, but not as likely with a client like CmapTools.


Re: Tags for concepts

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:15 pm
by tobiaslombacher
Ok, I agree with your statement. Assuming a client-server architecture would allow the possibility to work with some predefined tags, e.g. set by an administrator or the initiatior of the new concept and applied by the users. I surely agree with you, keeping track of all tags and its connections wouldn't be a suitable solution.