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Positioning of the nested concepts

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:33 pm
by JeffN
At the moment when you create a concept with nested concepts, then expand it and move it to a new location on the map, the collapsed concept remains at its old location. I think it would be much more intuitive if both were moving together.

Re: Positioning of the nested concepts

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:58 am
by ubiquity
There are pro's and con's here.
Sometimes the collapsed nest needs to remain behind the centre of the original bounding box for the nest, which is where it is created by default.
Like you I often need to move both items but I suspect if I was using CMapTools strictly for its designated purpose this may not be an issue.
It also depends on whether one is nesting existing concepts or adding some after the nest has been created.
In my case I am using it to link concepts created on the OpenIDEO crowd sourcing platform.
They are created ad hoc in response to an initial provocation so this means many reconfigurations of grouped or nested concepts.

Re: Positioning of the nested concepts

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:13 am
by dany500
Off and on again the given way home needs to stay behind the inside of the first jumping box for the home, which is the place it is made naturally.

Like you I regularly need to move both things however I think on the off chance that I was utilizing Cmaptools strictly for its assigned reason this may not be an issue.
