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enhanced editing capabilities in the style menu

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 6:54 am
by mirjmitt
I love Cmap tools and it is certainly a powerful and great tool for making complex information much easier to understand. As a master student in design I though have some humble suggestions for increased editing. Some of them can seem trivial but would give more freedom to the user and make it easier to create unique mind map designs.

1. LINE FORM - It would be great if it was possible to create vector lines that have more then one control point and if parts of these lines (between control points) would be pick-able and possible to lock in a i.e horizontal or vertical position and perhaps "allignable"?

2. NAMED STYLES - I lack the possibility to edit a created style or to update it. Quite often I save a style and then realize that I need to edit it. Instead of having to create yet another style calling it something similar and then having to reassign it to all wanted concepts I would like a update button which would update concepts and the saved style instantly. This would save (at least; me) a lot of time!

3. COLOURS - The colour palette is limited but because of the "More colour" menu I am satisfied. It would however be so much fun if I could save colours I had created (without having to save them in a style) so that they would appear in the font, line AND object colour menu, even after I had closed and reopened the program. Perhaps I could be able to create my own palette and save it so it is possible to load it into my sheet?

4. EXPORT- It would be great if it was possible to export my map as a high res image, I have the image file export (export often causes crashes on my Windows 7 64 bit laptop btw) that gives me an image with 72 dpi resolution in jpeg format but I would like the possibility to get a 300 dpi image as well. Perhaps more output settings? I would also appreciate if it was possible to choose how large the background is (distance from map), often my exported maps are cropped so that parts of the borders of the outermost concepts are cut off.

5. PAPER FORMAT - I would also like the possibility to be able to get some kind of frame in the background (dotted line?) that shows a chosen paper size so I can keep my map inside those boundaries.

Thank you again for a great program!


Re: enhanced editing capabilities in the style menu

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:24 pm
by acanas
A couple of comments:

LINE FORM: You click on a curved line, for example, and add control points where you wish.

EXPORT: The Options button on the Export allows you to select the resolution you wish.