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Edit custom styles

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:46 am
by nicothespider
Hello, I am new to CmapTool, and I use version 6.01.01 on Windows 10.

Is it possible to edit custom styles?
Example of use :
- I create a new style named "important concept", which has a yellow backgroud.
- I apply this style to some concepts.
- Now I change my mind, and I want a red backgroud for all these important concepts .

How can I do this easily? As in a word processor, I would like that editing the style "important concept" will update all the corresponding concepts. But I cannot find how to do this in CmapTools. Should I create another style and apply it again to every concept? Are there other possibilities?

Thanks for your help

Re: Edit custom styles

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:59 am
by cmapadmin
At this point you can't edit the named style. But the next version of CmapTools will have a revamped method of defining styles and templates.

Re: Edit custom styles

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 6:55 am
by singladur
I have moved from v5 to v6 and I have also noticed this change in style options. I prefer the old way (maybe because I do not know how to use properly the new).

My problem: I create a model of knowledge with plenty of interconnected cmaps. I want to keep the same format for those concepts that are of the same kind. For instance: "Author", "year", "property", etc. Also for those lines I am interested (I like to change the color of the connections if the relation is negative vs positive). So, when I want to create a new cmap from scratch that will be connected with others I would like to format a concept of type "author" as I have been doing in all the other cmaps but among the tens of cmaps I am not sure which one has this kind of concept in order to copy the style. So, now I have to open several cmaps to find the format, copy it and paste.

It is somehow annoying. I would also like as nicothespider suggested having the possibility to change a format once and for all and having all the cmaps updated.

Is there a solution? Is there a way in the new system of styles that I have not discovered?

Thanks in advance.