Starting CmapServer at boot time on Yosemite?

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Starting CmapServer at boot time on Yosemite?

Post by salustri »

I've tried looking for info on this but can't find anything helpful anywhere.
I want CmapServer to start when my iMac running Yosemite boots.
Since /sbin/SystemStarter is no longer in OSX, the scripts that come with CmapServer no longer work.
Can you offer some advice on how to configure launchd/launchctl to automatically start CmapServer on boot?
Prof Filippo A. Salustri, PhD, PEng
Ryerson University - Canada
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Re: Starting CmapServer at boot time on Yosemite?

Post by cmapadmin »

Check the section "Running the CmapSever as a Service" in the CmapServer Installation Manual: ... manual.php
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